How does it work?
Is it super simple to use R2D2 on your Discord server.
Invite R2D2 to your arbitrary server
You can choose any server you want. Just click the button on the top of this page or use this link. Make sure R2D2 has access to Administrator permission. R2D2 is a trustworthy app, we just need this permission to use many features as possible on this Discord.
Translated languages
We want to focus on making R2D2 understandable for all users by adding as many languages as we can. All translation strings are translated by common R2D2 users and verified by the bot owner.
If you want to add translations for any language, please visit our Crowdin project. Feel free to join and start translating!
If you do not see your language here, send us a message.
Experiences with R2D2
I use R2D2 because of its possibilities. It’s very handy, and clean. I love this Star Wars themed bot. AFK, poll, rps, and leaderboard are the best commands and I’m glad that I don’t need twelve million bots to have these commands on my discord server. And it’s still very handy to use!
I am using R2D2 because it has a lot of features and it is comfy to operate. I would describe R2D2 as the most multifunctional bot because I do not need any other bots and so I use nearly all its commands.
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