Statistics of R2D2 and development team

On this page, you can find interesting data of R2D2.
Also, if you did not know, R2D2 was created by @PetyXbron.


Servers are using R2D2

This is the number of servers that are R2D2 in. We are so happy that we can serve you.


Members on these servers

A number of members can use R2D2. It is a really big number that we are proud of.


Commands used

The number of commands used from January 1st, 2023.
After R2D2’s Great Return


Members on our Support server

A number of members are on our Discord support server. Thank you for being more active.


R2D2 History

Because we like statistics, we had written some history of R2D2.
Enjoy the brief procedure of developing our first public Discord bot, without almost any experience.

July 5th, 2020

Discord application created

This is when Discord bot R2D2 was created. It was not even working like today’s Discord bots. @PetyXbron first developed little bots and R2D2 – a public multifunctional Discord bot was made even in 2021 beginning. It was not even named R2D2 but was called “Nitro-Bot” for private server purposes.

July 5th, 2020

Jan 3rd, 2021

Baby steps of R2D2

This is the date of the first working command invite that sent you the invite link for inviting R2D2 to your own Discord server. But it was not public yet.

Also this day it started working imperfect level system with rank command accompanying an image.
Already on Jan 4th, 2021 there was a working language switcher command for the german language (the Crowdin translation project started Dec 29th, 2020).

After Jul 6th, 2020 it started a massive wave of programming R2D2 – help command, music, rock, paper, scissors game, Star Wars planet database searcher, jokes, and more.

Jan 3rd, 2021

Jan 21th, 2021

Online hosting

R2D2 started hosting online. R2D2 could finally run 24/7 and it also started to join more servers but still that, which @PetyXbron knew or recommended to his friends.

Jan 21th, 2021

May 1st, 2021

Public bot

On this date, R2D2 was in 57 servers already. It was a date when R2D2 popularity started growing because of advertisement sites on the internet and recommendations between Discord friends.

May 1st, 2021

Jan 25th, 2022

R2D2 Beta

What? Beta with almost 427 servers?
Ummmm, yes. It should be called something like”R2D2 v2″ but it is more known as “R2D2 Beta” and it is a slightly necessary upgrade for R2D2 because it was starting to be outdated (back-end site) and it needed a new look.

It is currently working on and this website is part of this project.

Jan 25th, 2022

Jan 1st, 2023

The Great Return

After about half a year, R2D2 is back. With an amazing new style, new powerful commands, and more.
R2D2 is still expanding so more commands are still adding.
Read more on The Great Return page

Jan 1st, 2023

Our Biggest

Some of the largest servers using R2D2.

501st Legion
𝑊𝑖𝑛𝑛𝑒𝑟 𝘊𝘰𝘥𝘦 #Dark